Couple's Tequila Bottle & Lime Slice Costume
Couple's Night OutIn order to find that special someone, you had to take a shot literally and metaphorically speaking, that is. You had to admit you were open to love, you had to sign up for that online dating site, and you had to make the dreaded profile. You had to actually respond to people, too, when they messaged you. But then, your future honey emerged and on that first night, you two crazy kids did a special shot to commemorate your meeting. How...sweet. Now you two party animals are getting ready to tie the knot, but not before you put in a stellar Halloween performance. This Couple's Tequila Bottle and Lime Slice Costume is the perfect way to pair up with your partner on Halloween night. It's a funny, easy-to-love, easy-to-wear duo that will get the party ramped up the moment you both arrive. Product DetailsThis costume pair comes as two simple tunics you can wear over your own clothes (we suggest an all-black base for coordination) for comfort and ease. One tunic is shaped like a tequila bottle and printed to look just like one ("top shelf," of course, only the best for you two), and the other is shaped and printed like a green lime slice. You simply can't enjoy one without the other! Practice Makes PerfectOn Halloween, you can hit the dance floor and roam the festivities together or meander around solo, and either way, everyone will know you belong together. Hey, it's all just practice for your big night, coming up. Shots for everyone!