Deviled Egg Toddler Costume
A Little Bit Naughty, a Little Bit Nice Toddlers are hard to predict or categorize. One moment they're snuggled up to you on the couch, chubby fingers tracing the words in their favorite picture book as you read it aloud. The next moment they're trying to turn their room into a DIY splash pad by emptying the dog's bowl and their sippy cups into the carpet. Are they little angels? Yes. Are they mischievous imps? Also yes. Product DetailsThis exclusive Deviled Egg Costume for Toddlers perfectly showcases your little one's silly and sinister sides! The unisex tunic is made of two white foam-backed panels with wavy edges that are joined by shoulder and side straps made of white webbing. The shoulder straps are conveniently length-adjustable and are roomy enough for your child to wear the costume over their preferred lightweight outfit. The front panel is decorated with an appliqued and lightly stuffed "yolk" made of yellow fabric. A stuffed red devil's tail is sewn to the back of the costume and matches the included red headband with its stuffed devil's horns. Over Easy Want a costume that will provide plenty of giggles while still making it easy for your child to run and play? This snack-inspired costume is your answer! Plus, unlike a real deviled egg, it won't make a huge mess when your child is zooming around. It may, however, make them extra hungry for snack time, but we can't blame them. Just thinking the word "deviled egg" is enough to make our mouths water. Maybe kids are onto something about having lots of tiny meals in one day.