Mr. Peanut Inflatable Adult Costume
Nut Allergic to ThisWARNING! This is the most dangerous costume on this entire site! If you go out dressed as the famous Mr. Peanut, you will be putting yourself at grave risk of having a great time, and/or being snacked on by peanut-loving passers-by. That hard peanut shell won 't stop the hungry crowds for long, particularly if they have had anything at all to drink.With or without drinks, though, dressing as one of the most delicious foods on the planet is a bold move for anyone to make. Last year, over 500 people dressed as slices of pizza were accidentally consumed. We won 't stand in your way if you plant your feet on this, but we are not as nutty as you! We would never leave a safe area in any kind of food costume, particularly one as ripe for snacking as the salty and delicious peanut! But, again, it 's your call. As often as nut, people survive the night and love their costumes even more.Believe It or NutThis Mr. Peanut Inflatable Costume is the perfect way to enjoy the comfort of a voluminous, air-conditioned tent while everyone else swelters all night. The cool breeze filling up your peanut body makes this the most comfortable costume there is. The yellow shell and the stylish bowler hat really pull the outfit together. The best part, though, is that the monocle is totally transparent, so you can give everyone that trademark Mr. Peanut smolder.They 'll Be JellyYou will win whatever costume contest you enter in this cool, nutty costume. We have burned the midnight peanut oil to get this costume ready for you, and we know you 'll be happy in your inflated nut body! Nuturally, everyone you meet will be nuts about your costume!