Onion Adult Costume
Chopped CoutureOnions are a pretty versatile food. It seems to go, in like, every dish. How often have you gone to chop up some vegetables for a plate and realized you need an onion? You can usually get by, but thinking about the flavor you are missing kind of ruins the meal. Oh, and how many times have you gone to season some food and reached for the onion powder? You can seriously put onions on anything, right? Salute to the onion.Clearly, we love our onions. We might even have an onion problem, but there are worse things. Are you a fan of the illustrious onion? Are you looking for a unique food costume for the next Halloween party? Be the veggie with the most layers this year and pick up this exclusive Onion Costume for Adults, made by us no cutlery needed.Product DetailsVegetable costumes will never be the same! We have a ton of adult costumes that pair great with this Onion Costume for Adults. Rock this outfit with a friend while they wear one of our potato costumes and be the cutest balanced diet on the chopping block. If you love onions but want to avoid bad breath, check out this exclusive Onion Costume for Adults, made by us.