Bricky Blocks | Kit Rainbow
The Brightest Bricky BlocksNice, so you've got your bricky block accessories! That's going to be a lot of fun. Now, if you could just decide on a color scheme! There are so many great colors to choose from. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue... really how could you decide? Perhaps you should do as nature does and pick the whole rainbow! Product DetailsWhether you've chosen the Bricky Block sunglasses, the necktie, or one of the many different hats, this rainbow set of Bricky Blocks will help you create the colorful design of your choice. You'll receive red, orange, yellow, green, and indigo blocks in rectangles and squares. Make sure you've got everything you need to create a design that's entirely you with this 225 piece Bricky Block rainbow set!No Need to Wait For RainRainbow colors might appear in the sky after a storm, but you can break these colors out any time you want! They're fun to put together before an event and even more fun to wear! Whether you're dressing up for a convention, a wedding, or even a dance, you'll find all sorts of bright ways to rearrange your rainbow every time you break out your Bricky Block accessories!