Cthulu Dog Sweater
Howlin' for CthuluHas your pup ever exhibited... strange behavior. Perhaps they wander off by themselves to make strange noises. Or maybe you find them in a trance-like state in the middle of the day. We don't want to alarm you, but your dog may be trying to contact an Eldritch being of immense power. They may just be a conduit for a supernatural being trying to find its way back to this realm.You want to be a good human and help your pup accomplish their dreams, right? Then it's time to help them summon Cthulu once and for all! This Cthulu Sweater for dogs is perfect for the occasion!Design & DetailsThis cozy sweater is equal parts comfortable and menacing! The sweater fits over your dog's head and front legs like a classic shirt, and vivid illustrations of the H.P. Lovecraft inspired monster on the back. It also has a variety of different stars and symbols on it, along with a dark green neck. It's designed to match our adult human version, so you and your puppers can summon malevolent beings to this plane of existence together. How fun!