Latex Free Ad Gem Adhesive
Sticky PowerThere comes a point in every person's life when they need to stick something to their face. Maybe it's faux gems for a dance recital, or a unicorn horn for a child's birthday party (or a random Monday, whatever - we don't judge), or a handmade patch for your favorite sport's team. There's just one obstacle in the way of your sticky goal: You need an adhesive that won't give you an uncomfortable reaction (that's much less fun than a unicorn horn). We're happy to say that we have the solution for your conundrum! Product DetailsKeep your false mustaches, witch warts, fake lashes and many other body embellishments in place with Ad Gem Latex Free Costume Adhesive! This handy little tube contains one point seven fluid ounces of water-resistant formula that will stick on whatever it is you want to stick. If you don't want to go through the rest of your life with a green false nose, makeup remover takes the adhesive off with ease. Go Forth and StickThe key to a fantastic sports event or Halloween disguise is within this tube! Honestly, it's almost as good as a magic sticking spell.