My Hero Academia- Plush Deku Shoe Adult Slippers
Powerful SolesWhen Izuku Midoriya realized One For All was better reserved for leg work, he really came into his own. While suffering fewer broken fingers and shattered forearms was probably enough to please any amateur hero, we imagine learning to control his new powerful soles had its own complications. What if full cowling made slowing down impossible? Would Midoriya just slide through a wall when challenged to sock races on the linoleum floors of his dorm? What about heating and cooling? Harnessing the strength of 8 previous One For All users cause hot or cold flashes in his feet? Luckily he has Mei Hatsume to build hero gadgets for him, though we wonder if she would have dreamed up this unique Deku accessory.Product DetailsWhether you possess One For All or you're just looking to dress like Midoriya, these My Hero Academia: Deku Show Plush Slippers for Adults have your back! Though they may not be ready for combat, the officially licensed footwear sure can prevent a few Deku-level oopsies. With foam padding throughout the bright red sneaker look-alikes, your feet will stay comfortable and warm while you study the ways of pro heroes or race to meet the mailman. In addition, anti-skid soles mean you can gleefully race through the house without worrying about how you'll stop. Used to complete your Deku Halloween costume or worn while lounging on the couch, these one-size-fits-most slippers are a must-have for any My Hero fan!