Pickle Klown Adult Mask
Fool Us Once Ok, so clowns used to be cool, right? They weren't always sinster creeps lurking in drains and down back alleys? Let's give them one more try. We've invited one to our party, and we're sure that it will be delighted to entertain everyone with funny skits and - AHHHH, IT'S HORRIBLE! Product DetailsThis Pickle Klown Mask for Adults is so realistic, it's scary! It's also just plain scary too, honestly. The accessory covers your entire face and is shaped to look like a balding clown, oversized mouth split into a huge, fanged grin. Its staring eyes are lined in blue makeup detail, and the rest of its face is colored a pasty white, which makes its bumpy red nose stand out even more. Red and white synthetic hair is attached above each ear. A Show You'll Never ForgetStar in your very own horror story complete with killer costumes! Your friends won't know whether to applaud your style or pinch themselves in the hopes that they'll wake up from the nightmare.