The Cat in the Hat Costume Socks for Adults
Fun Feline FootwearWhat can you think of that's black, white, and red? If you guessed newspaper, keep guessing instead! What else do those colors together evoke?A striped hat? A red bow? Those ring a bell, folks?There's only one character that it could be,The Cat in the Hat in all his whimsy!With strong resolution to show off some tricks,The Cat has a strange way of getting his kicks:Using a ball for his balancing act,And a fish who is pleading to keep things intact.If you so desire to deliver such shocks,We do recommend these particular socks!Fun DetailsPhew! Dr. Seuss made all that rhyming seem easy. In any case, this delightful pair of officially licensed socks is 20 long, and made of 60% acrylic, 25% nylon, 13% polyester, 1% spandex, and 1% other fiber. The socks are knitted in with red and white stripes, along with black linework that effectively turns the wearer into a Dr. Seuss drawing! Will they allow you to start speaking in rhyme? We can't guarantee that, but we can't entirely rule it out either. What we can guarantee is that these socks will wonderfully complement your Cat in the Hat costume!