Waldo Accessory Kit
Wear WaldoIf you want to become Waldo this Halloween (what a great, lovable, classic costume!), then you have a lot of things to think about. First, you're going to have to try very, VERY hard not to get lost wherever you go. Grocery store crowds, busy train stations, the big Halloween party you're prone to go missing. Just keep your wits about you. But also, Waldo has a lot to carry! There's a backpack, a cup, a snorkel, binoculars, a tea kettle, a sleeping bag, a shovel, a bag, a walking stick...etc, etc. You get it, right? Waldo has baggage! So let's take something off your plate so you can focus on what's important. This Where's Waldo Costume Accessory Kit can help you turn into Waldo without a fuss, so you can feel instantly at ease in any crowded scene, confident you know who you are (Waldo!) and where you're going...a costume party...eventually. Now, let's see, where was that road you were supposed to turn down?Product DetailsThis little set makes turning into Waldo a cinch! It's a striped beanie (to match your shirt, not included) and a pair of Waldo-perfect character glasses. Happy wandering!