Weathered Skull Tombstone Prop
Here Lies...Is your yard looking a little too... lively for Halloween? Yeah, we get it. A patch of green grass doesn't exactly give off the Halloween vibes. But you know what does? Gravestones. What screams Halloween more than a yard full of gravestones? That's why our designers crafted this tombstone decoration for your yard. It'll lay your happy yard to rest and transform your yard into a graveyard scene!Design & DetailsOur designers crafted this Weathered Skill Tombstone Halloween Decoration to turn your home into a bonafide cemetery! The simple decoration is constructed out of sturdy styrofoam material that mimics the look of real stone material. The fake tombstone stands just over 35" tall to give it a realistic size that makes a strong presence in your yard. Finally, it has a carved skull and "RIP" engraved into the front.To set your tombstone decoration up, just insert the included stakes in the holes on the base of the tombstone. Then, just plant the stakes into the ground, and your tombstone will give your yard a spooky look for the season! Of course, we recommend placing more than just one in your yard to get the full graveyard effect.