Friday the 13th Jason Treat Bowl Holder
You can't throw a Halloween party without expecting your guests to want some treats to nibble on. Just like you can't go for a quiet walk through the woods around rustic Camp Crystal Lake without expecting a huge homicidal monster wearing a hockey mask to chase after you with a machete. That's just what happens in those situations! But what would you do if Jason Voorhees went around the forest passing out candy to all the camp counselors, instead of killing them off in gruesomely creative ways?For starters, the Friday the 13th movies would be way different. You could also have the big guy help hold candy at your party without worrying about losing your guests in the process. Since that's not likely to happen, we recommend setting up this Friday the 13th Jason Candy Bowl Holder instead. This cute little snack dish holder is meticulously detailed to look like a tiny (and much less threatening) Jason, with his eyes daring you from behind his little hockey mask to take a delicious treat. Hey, as long as he's brandishing sweets rather than a machete, we say go for it!