Light Up Happy Pumpkin Face with Red Lights Halloween Decoration
Too Happy? On Halloween night, witches cackle as they fly past the moon on their way to their dark parties. Vampires sneak through the shadows, werewolves snarl in the night, and pumpkins... grin? That's simply not sinister enough for such a spooky night. We don't trust them. The jack o' lanterns are probably the most mischievous of them all! Product DetailsLight the night with a cheerful glow thanks to this exclusive Light Up Happy Pumpkin with Red Lights Decoration! The orange foam pumpkin features a cutout face with round eyes, a small triangular nose, and a happy smile. It's topped with a plastic pumpkin stem. When activated, its inner bulbs glow with a warm red light. Gourd Greetings The first thing your trick-or-treaters or guests will see when they visit your home is the friendly grin of your stylish pumpkin! It's sure to become a beloved addition to your holiday decorations.