Light Up Spooky Pumpkin Face with Red Lights Halloween Decoration
A Time-Honored Tradition Once upon a time, people set candles inside hollowed-out gourds to scare off evil spirits. Years later, we started lighting pumpkins carved with fun or spooky faces to impress our friends and get the clout of having the coolest decorations on the block. Today, we don't have to worry about having the coolest decorations ever, because our smiling faux pumpkins take the cake and don't get rotten before the big day. Product DetailsLight the night with this exclusive Light Up Spooky Pumpkin with Red Lights Decoration! Made of orange foam, the pumpkin is roughly six inches tall, features a goofy grin and is topped with a plastic stem. When switched on, its inner lights shine through its eyes and mouth. Three demo batteries are included for convenience. Welcome, Spooks!Trick-or-treaters and party guests alike will be delighted to see this pumpkin guarding your home! Have all of the fun that a jack o' lantern can provide without having to rely on your artistic talents to make it happen. Instead, you can focus on eating as much candy as you can before anyone notices.