Mini Freddy Krueger Candy Bowl Holder
One, Two, Freddy's Coming for...Your Candy Yay, Halloween! Time for some thrills and chills, but mostly it's time for candy. From the fun-sized chocolate bars to the sour gummy worms, to everyone's favorite jelly beans, we love them all. So, apparently, does a certain famous serial killer who hunts the unwary in their dreams. You were walking through the kitchen, humming to yourself a little bit on your way to get a sugar fix, and - oh NO. He's out of your dreams and in your real life, and the method he chose to get you this time is so much worse than simply preventing you from sleeping! Product DetailsNo need to close your eyes to see Freddy Krueger, because with this Nightmare on Elm Street Freddy Krueger Mini Candy Bowl Holder, he's standing guard over your sweet treats! The mini foam figure is shaped like the famous dream killer from his striped sweater, scarred face, and bladed glove. A clear plastic candy bowl rests on his oversized shoes. Go on, take a piece - he dares you!