Saw Billy Inflatable Decoration
Don't get us wrong: we love games here. A good game of Texas Hold 'Em poker with our buddies on a Saturday night? Yes please. Running through fields yelling "Red Rover, Red Rover"? Yup. Grinding an MMO on our new gaming computer? Sign us up! We love games. But we're careful about who we say that to, though. The Saw movies ruined the phrase "Want to play a game?" for us. All we can think about is that creepy puppet and the cruel, sadistic games he so carefully crafted for his victims, players, whatever you call them. Now anytime someone asks us to play a board game, we don't immediately decline, but we do eye them with suspicion before nailing down precisely the game they are asking us to commit to. We're always deathly afraid that Billy the Puppet will be involved somehow.We want nothing to do with any board game he designed, produced, or otherwise helped set up. So imagine our surprise when this creepy but rather cool Saw Billy Inflatable Decoration showed up at our office. Probably hiding something awful, he sits on the refrigerator in our break room and just looks...suspicious. Sentient, even. Every time we pull our sandwiches out of there for our much-needed break, he's sitting there staring back. That look fills us with an icy, unshakeable sense of dread. That's exactly what this Saw Billy Decoration can do in your home or yard!Inspired by the freaky aforementioned puppet from the Saw series of movies, this Saw Billy Inflatable Decoration would make a great addition to any horror film prop collection, your little sister's room on April 1st, or your front porch when the trick-or-treaters come around expecting candy without the slightest bit of terror. This terrorizer will do the trick and have all the games no one asked for!