Skeleton Spider Prop
Clicking and ClatteringThings got a little weird in the back office this year. We're used to encountering new and mysterious creatures that crawl in from the back portals. (They're usually curious about what we've been putting together in our studios.) But, this one seems to be breaking a few natural laws.It's kind of spidery. And it's also super skeletal. But, the manager of our department of cryptology is pretty confident that spiders don't actually have internal skeletons. So, we're not 100% sure exactly what this creature really is. Product DetailsWhat we do know is that you're going to love this spooky Spider Skeleton Prop. This plastic molded critter has movable joints and measures 9" long. It has the skull and spine that a spider would have... if it actually had an endoskeleton. But, let's be honest... a real spider skeleton wouldn't be that creepy. Bring this cryptid creature home and ensure your Halloween is something otherworldly! A Curious CritterThis eerie Skeletal Spider makes for a perfect talking point for any of your creepy decorations. Folks might try to figure out if spiders do have skeletons. Others might be certain they're looking at a weird alien arachnid. Combine with some glow-in-the-dark webbing and you just might solve the mystery!