Ravenclaw Harry Potter Scarf
A Ready Mind and Fashion SenseIf wit beyond measure is your greatest treasure, one Hogwarts House is sure to be your best fit of all! Your fellow Ravenclaws welcome you with open arms. Rest assured that you'll find understanding and acceptance – even if you decide that certain social conventions are, well, not that important compared to knowledge and learning! Who cares about seeming a little batty when magical knowledge is at stake? We're sure that you and the heroic Luna Lovegood will get along swimmingly.Product Details Show your house spirit and your esteem for wisdom above all! Everyone who sees you will be smart enough to realize that your Harry Potter Ravenclaw Scarf makes you the best-dressed wizard at Hogwarts. Blue and black stripes proclaim your loyalty to your beloved house. The patch sewn to the end depicts the noble Ravenclaw crest, with a raven beating its wings beneath a knight's helmet. Perfect for wearing while waiting for your train at King's Cross's Platform 9 ¾, or just for looking cooler than those Muggles, this scarf is a great accessory for any outfit!