Animated Monster Hand in Bowl
Ever since the Addams Family rose into exceptional fame, a number of likewise unusual folks have began to creep out of the wood work in an effort to make themselves known and see what sort of life they could pave for themselves. It has been generally good for everyone. The spread of diverse folks, even the admittedly creepy ones, has bolstered great stories and helped to foster some mutually beneficial relationships that might have never happened before. Now, of course, there are some that aren’t quite so convinced. There is that sense of intimidation or questionable fairness when an 8-foot tall distant cousin of Lurch decides to join the volleyball team… but a number of the others have branched out in some pretty inventive ways.In fact, we have some of Thing’s siblings who have been looking for a good source of employment and entertainment for a while. One, this Animated Monster Hand in Bowl, has developed the amazing ability to speak, in fact, and is looking to become your candy greeter for this epic season. We’re not sure how it talks (beyond the use of three AA batteries), but it is pretty delightful when it jumps up to grab any candy seekers while shouting out its seasonal greetings. Have a good little scream this year with Thing’s slightly greener brother and, perhaps, you’ll have some of the actual Addamses come to visit!