Green Hair Spray
Live Out Your Green DreamsPeople have all sorts of crazy dreams. Some people want to be a superhero. Others want to travel the world on their own personal jet like some kind of international superstar. Others, well they just want green hair. Hey, it s not out place to judge your dreams and we try to make dreams come true whenever we can. Jet setting across the world isn t something we can really help with. Green hair, on the other hand, is a matter that we totally have your back on.Product DetailsThis green hair spray lets you turn your hair a lovely green color. Just spray it in your hair in a well-ventilated area and your hair will get that glint of green you ve always dreamed about. It s a great look for clown costumes, supervillain styles, and any other look where green hair would be a great boon! It washes out quite easily, so any time you change your mind and no longer want green hair, you just wash it out with shampoo. Easy peasy!On to the Next Dream!Now that we think of it, green hair doesn't stop you from living out all the rest of your superhero and jet-flying ambitions. In fact, with this Green Hair Spray, you might find the confidence to do all of those things, too!