Light-Up White Rabbit LumenEars White Headband
Because Why Not?Sometimes, we wonder why things are the way they are. Why are milk cartons always white? Why are stainless steel appliances trending right now? Why did Instagram change their logo in 2016? Maybe the question we should really be asking is, why not? Change is good! Unique choices are good, too. That's why we have so much in stock on our website. We know that there is something out there for everyone, and we want people to find the perfect accessory, every time. That's why we say, why not? when we see an interesting, fun, or bizarre item. That's why we like this Light-Up White Rabbit LumenEars Headband because, why not?Product DetailsThese ears look pretty standard, upon first glance. The headband itself and the ears are covered in soft, white faux fur. The inner lining is fun, as it is an iridescent, multi-colored pink, rather than the usual plain pastel. But the best feature of these ears isn't revealed until the lights dim. These beauties light up! Each ear has its own inner light source, powered by a small battery back on one side of the headband. Perfect for kids or adults, these ears can trick or treat or go to the club!