Mailbox Adult Costume
Special DeliveryThe mail's here! Let's see what you've got. Hmm, an invitation to subscribe to Unique and Vintage Doorknobs Magazine. A bill. A notice that your parking lot is going to be renovated and that you will have to park your car seven miles away from your building for roughly nine months. Oh, and another bill. That's it! You should start your own mail service - one that only delivers fun things and exciting surprises! Product DetailsGetting the mail is always a great experience when you're dressed in this Mailbox Costume for Adults! The blue tunic slips on over your head and has roomy holes for your arms so that you can wear it over your choice of lightweight outfit. Its sides are stiffened with foam to help it keep its shape. The front has an actual mail slot with a fabric pouch behind it, and a printed white label that features an envelope graphic and the world "Mail." The bottom of the costume has cutouts that resemble mailbox legs. It's Like Being a SuperheroGive "mail delivery" a whole new meaning this Halloween! Not only is it a fun and unique costume concept, but you'll have a unique job perk, too. When you're a mailbox, you can do anything you want! Remember, tampering with the mail is a federal offence. Make your own rules and have a great time being completely awesome! We prefer to think of it as having diplomatic immunity. If that's not what it means, we don't want to know.