Prowling Werewolf Halloween Sweater
Heckin' Good SweaterLet's talk werewolves. We've all heard the stories. They prowl through woods on moonlit nights. They terrorize unsuspecting travelers, gnashing their teeth and snarling like untamed beasts. Yadda, yadda, yadda. But has anyone ever taken the time to understand werewolves? Has it occurred to anyone that some werewolves might just be heckin' good boys who just want to play a game of fetch? Maybe instead of screaming in terror at the mere sight of a werewolf, you could try being a nice human by tossing a tennis ball for the big woofer! Well, we like to think that the werewolf on the front of this Prowling Werewolf Halloween Sweater is one of those heckin' good boys just looking for a game of fetch! The exclusive Halloween sweater, designed by our expert artists, uses soft blue hues to craft the image of a snarling werewolf in front of a full moon. Is he a vicious beast or a good boy looking for a game of fetch? No one truly knows until it's too late! The sweater is made out of a comfy cotton and acrylic blend, making it cozy apparel for those cool fall nights. Wear it on nights when the full moon looms in the sky or just to keep warm on a chilly Halloween night!