White / Kelly Green Tights
Someone once said that the only thing better than the color green, is the color green mixed with white stripes. We can't cite a source or anything, but we're pretty sure that somewhere, in all of the booze-fueled ramblings during all of the St. Patty's Day celebrations that have gone on around the world, that combination of words has been spoken. Now that that's out of the way, you have to admit that these White and Kelly Green Tights are pretty snappy! The green and white stripes look both sexy and festive, depending on what look you're aiming to pull off. They work with so many kinds of costumes, too. Whether you are dressing up as an elf or Christmas helper, showing off your Irish pride, or...heck, even dressing up as a candy-loving witch, these fun striped tights are going to get everyone's attention, and help you look great!