Toddler Wonder Woman Costume Dress
The Greatest Role ModelsSuperheroes are meant to be the best of us. They have unnatural powers, and they do their best to use those powers for good. That's what makes them heroes and not villains, after all! But the real power of heroes lies in their goodness. You don't need the ability to fly or throw a car to be a hero to those around you. Wonder Woman has lots of powerful abilities and tools, but she knows that love is the greatest and most powerful of all. Now your little one can practice everyday heroism in this Wonder Woman Toddler Costume!Product DetailsThis dress is styled to look like Wonder Woman's classic outfit, with one large difference. This one comes with a diaper cover! Both cover and dress folds are blue with white stars, while a wide gold belt separates the skirt portion from the top half. The top has Wonder Woman's double W logo on a shimmering red background. Don't forget the starred headpiece! This one is made of fabric and elastic, for safe and easy wearing. The Amazon wrist cuffs are also a necessary part of this heroine's ensemble. Pair with the shoes of your choice, and bonus points if they are metallic or sparkling! Your Own HeroWonder Woman is proof that sometimes, you can be your own hero. You don't need rescuing if you have the right tools on hand! We are each powerful in our own right. Teach your little ones now, and they'll grow up heroes.