Retro Optimus Prime Adult Costume
Become the Leader of the AutobotsOptimus Prime is amongst some of the greatest heroes to grace pop culture. He's an inspiring leader, a charismatic persuader, and a noble fighter. And he's been doing all of that for a very long time. So long in fact that his look has changed up dramatically from films and tv series. Now you can take on all his great qualities and go back to his original roots, suiting up in the Retro Optimus Prime Adult Costume. This classic look is sure to garner attention and bring the masses to your call, ready to follow your commands following an inspiring speech. Decepticons aren't going to stand a chance with you around to lead the way! Product FeaturesYou'll be getting ready to roll out in no time as you transform into Optimus Prime. Once you're in the jumpsuit, you'll get to take up his vehicular armaments. The boxy shoulder and forearm guards make up a striking silhouette and will give you an inspiring physique true to Optimus' original look. The mask makes for a complete transformation as you get into Optimus' head, and will even add a bit of height to you with the ornamental crowning. Everyone, especially Autobots, will be looking up to you!Built like a TruckIf you're looking to make an appearance as a strongly built action hero, there's none better than Optimus Prime. Bring the classic back to the modern day and let the nostalgia inspire all who look at you!