Spider Web Table Runner Halloween Decoration
Something Webby This Way ComesFake blood, grinning skulls, and red-eyed specters that shriek and cackle are all amazing choices for Halloween decorations. If you really want to frighten your friends, however, you should drape your house in spiderwebs. Why? When they see the swaths of webbing, your visitors will wonder uneasily whether a million spiders or just one giant spider made all of the cobwebs. Believe us, both options are equally horrifying. Product DetailsChannel the spooky spirit of the season with an exclusive Black Spider Web Table Runner Decoration! Made of quality polyester machine lace, the table runner measures approximately seventy-two inches long by eighteen inches wide and is designed with a knitted-in pattern of spiderwebs and crawling spiders. Crazy for CobwebsThere's no creepier sensation than that sticky, tickling feeling you get when you walk into a a cobweb, but a harmless speciment like this makes you appreciate how awesome a spider's home looks. As long as you leave it on a table or mantel and don't string it across a doorway for them to smack into, everyone else will appreciate it too!