Stealthy Ninja Costume
The Way of the NinjaExcuse us, but does anyone know of any ninja masters who have openings for potential students? There are just so many facets of a ninja's expertise that would be incredibly helpful in everyday life. With ninja training, we could finally unscrew the lid of the cookie jar so stealthily that no one else in the house would hear it and come running. We could slip out of awkward social interactions without anyone else being the wiser, and we could definitely re-enter our homes past curfew with nary a difficulty. Product DetailsShowcase your awesome powers of sneakiness with an exclusive Stealth Ninja Costume! The outfit includes a black wrap tunic top with an attached hood that can be pulled up over your head, and crimson trim on its edges. The tunic goes over a short-sleeved mesh shirt. The wide red waist sash has a bow at the back. The red face mask conceals your true identity. The pair of snug and comfy black leggings has an elastic waistband. The sewn-in red cord leg wraps can be tied as desired. The black fingerless gloves will make it easier to grip your preferred prop weapon. Silent, Sneaky, and DeadlyYour awesomeness will be metaphorically lethal when you're wearing this cool costume! But not literally lethal, because that would be unethical. Have fun practicing slipping through the shadows and perfecting your sneak attacks! No matter what any of your friends say, the jump scares that you're so good at are always funny, no matter how many times you do them.