Swamp Zombie Kid's Costume
Fear the ForestWhen you're living in the zombie apocalypse, it's important to be aware of the dangers of dark places. You don't want to venture into crowded alleyways, there could be monsters lurking in dumpsters or under cars. You don't want to venture into large abandoned buildings. Any one of those empty rooms has the potential to not be so empty. And then there are the wild places. A forested swamp has to be one of the worst places to end up in a zombie uprising. All those undead creatures are covered in plants and mud, moving slowly through the muck. It's hard to spot the danger but it's hard to miss once you're surrounded!Costume DetailsYour child will love transforming into one of the most dangerous zombies out there when this costume arrives at your door! The costume has just the right amount of scary elements, with bones poking through the tattered gray-green clothes without too much gore. Green, mossy elements drape from the wounds, making it look like your young zombie just emerged from the depths of the swamp. Topping off the whole look, the skull mask framed with vines and mossy gauze will add a delightful element of fright to your kid's Halloween look. Part of the HordeAre you creating an undead family costume? Your child doesn't have to roam the earth alone. We have spooky undead costumes for all ages and sizes in your horde. So go ahead and rise up and take the night. The zombie craze lives on!