Werewolf Accessory Kit for Adults
howl at the moonDoes All Hallows Eve or a full moon tend to bring out your inner beast prompting you to sprout a mane of hair, double in muscle mass, and grow long, fierce fangs? If so, that's pretty neat, and we wish you the absolute best out in this wolf-eat-wolf world, but I hope you understand why we can't hang out after dark anymore.product detailsIf not, no need to worry, because you can use this werewolf accessory kit to complete your transformation instead. Our kit includes everything you need to achieve a realistic look to complete your werewolf costume: a fur-lined hood, super furry (and fingerless) paw gloves with faux leather claws, and a stuffed tail to attached to your clothes!ease of useThis means that rather than worrying about your look before that costume party of the year, you can worry about losing more friends than just us! We recommend you go be honest and open with everyone, because even if your friendship ends, at least it will end on a good if slightly awkward note. Go on, you got this.