Wicked Witch Classic Broom Prop
Absolute Genius Brooms, in general, are not exciting. They're just a reminder of a daily chore - or they were, until a witch stepped in and said, "What if I turn this not-fun object into a super amazing means of transportation?" Now, brooms are awesome, as long as they're the kind that are enchanted to fly past the moon on All Hallows Eve. Product DetailsNo witch costume is complete without this exclusive Classic Wicked Witch Broom Costume Prop! The accessory consists of a wooden shaft, giving it that perfect old-fashioned style. Long twigs of brush are secured to the bottom of the shaft. Wickedly WonderfulHow you plan you use your broom determines what kind of witch you'll be. If you ride it when you're on a kindly community-driven mission, you're a good witch. If you ride it while terrorizing girls from Kansas (and their little dogs, too!) you're probably a bad witch. Either way, have fun!