Witch or Treat Door Curtain
A Witchy WelcomeOrdinarily, you wouldn't be excited to visit a witch's home, but this is Halloween! Go ahead and accept her invitation. Enjoy a glass of smoking brew, admire her skull collection, and maybe dance around the cauldron with her. If you're lucky (and very polite), she'll even let you leave with all of your fingers, toes, and eyeballs intact. Product DetailsSet a spooky scene with this fun and unique Witch or Treat Door Curtain Halloween Decoration! Made of black polyester machine lace, the curtain features knitted-in loops at its top edge for stringing through a rod, and a jagged, uneven bottom edge. It's decorated with knitted-in images of a life-sized witch holding a crooked broom and a scowling pumpkin. Swooping bats, cobwebs, and a dangling spider complete the scene. Eye of Newt and Toe of FrogYou can't celebrate Halloween without a witch! This one will be much more well-behaved than the real deal: She promises not to use your guests as ingredients for her spells. You might want to keep a close watch on her, however. Anything can happen on such a magical, mysterious night.