Child Blue Tutu
Does your little one have a knack for playing friendly pranks around the house? Does she seem to get a kick out of hiding your car keys or, maybe, leading you on a wild goose chase from time to time is more her specialty? Well, if she is always pulling these harmless pranks on you then you may not have a human child on your hands. In fact, she may be a mythical fairy! According to the folklore, fairies enjoy toying with us humans. Although some of them take it a bit far and enjoy, more so, our suffering and the hardships they can cause... Yikes! Maybe you can teach your fairy child how to play nice before the teens years hit. Anyways, if you want your little fairy to truly feel like the tiny mythical woodland creature, that she very well may be, then start with helping her look like her legendary ancestors. This Child Blue Tutu will be a great start for any fairy costume! Add a set of butterfly-like wings as well as a pair of sky blue slippers to match her tutu and she's set to go out and be the best fairy she can be.