Child Pink Flapper Costume
Your little girl is all about the Roaring 20s. You can pin her interest for this time period down to her seeing The Great Gatsby. You didnΓÇÖt even know she was awake, but then there she was dancing with all those people at a legendary Jay Gatsby party.You can pretty much bet her interest has nothing to do with the speakeasies, but rather in all those pretty dresses. The ones that sway back and forth when people dance the Charleston. She likes the beaded necklaces, and the lacey headbands. Heck, sheΓÇÖs even taken a liking to the music. And now she is begging for her birthday party to be like a Jay Gatsby party. With the fancy dresses, and fun music. Now all you have to do is find her a swinginΓÇÖ dress to wear.She will be so excited when she sees this Child Pink Flapper Costume. So excited that she wonΓÇÖt even mind that her Gatsby-esq party is being held at the mini-golf place. SheΓÇÖll be too busy swinginΓÇÖ and swayinΓÇÖ to really care. Just pour her some sparkling apple juice in a fancy plastic glass (like the ones you have left over from your New Years Eve party) and put on some big band music and let her enjoy the fancy life. Just donΓÇÖt forget to grab some beaded necklaces and a pink lace headband for the birthday girl!