Despicable Me 3 Fluffy Costume for Toddlers
Your little one is sweet. No doubt about it. Maybe it comes from that intense love of sugar. You don't know how it happened but it seems like your child can smell a forgotten gum drop in its wrapper in the back of a desk drawer from outside a closed door. Who knows if enough candy can affect a kid's persona but one thing is for sure, this kiddo's taste matches her personality. If you saw Despicable Me 3 than you saw sweet Agnes sell her beloved Fluffy to pay for bills after her parents got fired. While we hope your child will never get that idea into her mind we're sure there would be no hesitation to sell that beloved lovey for the good of your family. When you're living with a child as darling as that it's hard to let them face the reality of life. How ever many times your little girl asks about unicorns you just have to keep up that charade because who can admit the horrible hornless reality to those big eyes and pink cheeks? While we only got to see Fluffy for a few minutes in the Despicable Me 3, this fluff ball is a character we've come to know and love. While anyone can love unicorns there's only one Fluffy in the world! It's easy for your little one to become this Carnival rescue. Just slip the costume on and adjust the unicorn hood and you'll have one of the world's cutest unicorns on your hands. No doubt about it, your Fluffy is really good to snuggle with!