Girl's Silver Flapper Costume
Silver BellesYour gal may be too young to frequent the speakeasies (phew!), but she is plenty grown-up enough to revel in the fanciful and fun fashion of the flappers! And revel she will! She's been practicing her Charleston and brushing up on her era-appropriate lingo, and now she's ready to make her debut at this year's costume party—as a fabulous flapper of the Roaring 20s!In addition to being perfect for trick-or-treating, a shining outfit like this one can also make for a standout holiday look, with its metallic hue and festive sequins. Whatever your gal gets up to in this stylish ensemble, make sure she knows that being feisty, independent, and willing to go against the grain of society was what the flappers were all about. In her daily life, it's nice that's she follows the rules in school and at home, but now that's a flapper, she's gotta be ready to kick up her heels and kick up a bit of dust around town! Product DetailsThis is a classic flapper frock, with a fun twist—it's silver, not black! But don't worry, we haven't forgotten the most important part: the layers of lovely fringe so integral to the style. This look has sequin accents at the collar, straps, and along the matching headband, as well as a feather to top it all off! Accessorize as they would have during the times, with a strand (or two, or three) of lustrous pearls, silver kitten heels, and even gloves (not to mention those killer dance moves!). Flap-HappyWarning: dressing like a flapper for a night is likely to turn your girl absolute giddy. Get ready for lots of shouts, laughter, and shrieks among her and her fellow flapper crew, and that's all without even getting near the giggle water!