Inflatable Pink Unicorn Costume for Kids
A True UnicornWe hear about a LOT of kiddos around here. But we have to hand it to you, your child truly sounds too good to be true! We've heard all about your little one's altruistic efforts, their selfless acts, and their love of a tidy room. We hear your child loves to babysit their little brother (for free!), hates screen time, and helps you in the garden, sous chefs as you cook, and does the laundry. We've even heard a rumor that your little one loves going to the dentist!Before we beg you for your secret, let's just say: your child is a unicorn. Children like yours simply don't exist. But we'd like to believe in them anyway, even if they're a sort of mythical creature. Best to dress your kiddo in this Inflatable Pink Unicorn Costume, then, and let the whole world see just want a gorgeous, majestic creature you've raised!Product DetailsA child such as yours deserves the best, and in case you haven't heard, inflatable costumes are all the rage! This one comes styled as a lovely pink unicorn with a rainbow mane and tail, golden horn, and cute pink stars on its face. Trust us, if your kid likes unicorns, they will definitely go ga-ga over the look of this costume. It has a built-in battery pack and fans for easy use. Your little unicorn will look the part they were born to play. Secrets, SecretsOK, so now that we have Halloween out of the way, what is your secret, after all? We are dying to know how you raised a kiddo that likes to eat all their vegetables and clean the bathroom. Or...it must be magic!