Inflatable Pumpkin Kid's Costume
Gourd Goals Carving a jack-o-lantern is one of the best traditions that Halloween has to offer! You can carve a silly face, a spooky face, the mascot of your favorite sports team...anything you want! But have you noticed what a drag it is to scoop out all of the seeds and orange gunk from the inside of your pumpkin? Gross. It's always so gloppy and sticky and...you know what? What if the pumpkin was made out of fabric and was wearable too? Wouldn't that be an amazing idea?Product DetailsYour little punkin will look seasonally splendid in this Inflatable Pumpkin Costume for Kids! The one-piece outfit fastens up the back and has holes for the arms and legs. When fully inflated, the torso has a round shape and reveals printed graphics on the front, including a jack-o-lantern's triangular eyes and classic toothy grin. A green leaf-shaped collar decorates the neck. The finishing touch is a hat shaped like the stem and upper lid of a Halloween pumpkin! Pumpkin Perfection Halloween only comes around once a year. You need to have the most amazing possible costume to wear for trick-or-treating, parties with friends, and school celebrations! If you're looking for a sweet yet seasonal costume that will blend perfectly with all of the witches, bats, skeletons and ghosts, this pumpkin is a great choice. Best of all, there's no need to scoop out any gooey gunk and slimy seeds from the pumpkin's inside before it's ready to wear.