Kids Inflatable Flamingo Ride-On Costume
Favorite SightEvery child has their favorite animals at the zoo. For many, it's the lions and tigers. Other kids go nuts for the rhinos and elephants. Personally, we're partial to the giraffes (and yes, we know we are technically not children anymore, but there you have it). There's always that one animal that captures a child's imagination, that one animal that keeps them looking a little longer, and that one animal that they will beg you to buy a stuffed animal of before you make it past the zoo gift shop.For your kiddo, that animal is the flamingo! Unique choice! But a flock of flamingoes is a pretty majestic thing to watch. They stand on one leg, open their huge pink wings, and make lots of noise as they strut through the water. Your child could watch the flamingoes all day, which is why they will flip for this Kid's Inflatable Flamingo Ride-On Costume. It's a fun way to show their flamingo love and wear a totally unique costume at the same time.Product DetailsThis clever costume creates the illusion that your child is riding an oversized flamingo trust us, they will love it! The costume functions as an inflatable pants suit with your kid's own legs filling out the flamingo's pink ones. They can wear their own shirt on top. A built-in battery pack and fan keep the costume functioning as they trick or treat. Just have your kiddo practice their single leg balances long before Halloween.Think PinkThe best part about this costume is that it can lead to so much creative play outside, long after Halloween is over. You'll love watching your child run through the park, pretending they are on a racing flamingo. Or catch them strolling through the woods on a flamingo safari!