Minion Plastic Trick or Treat Bucket
BEST IN THE BUSINESSIt's a simple fact that everyone knows! If you plan on being a mad scientist, like Gru, then you need good henchmen. Of course, the Minions, from the Despicable Me movies, are the best in the business. Let's just look at their resume! They helped Dr. Nefario make the Cookie Robots and the Fart Gun. They also helped test the anti-gravity serum and they even have no problem helping out when Balthazar Bratt! Why, if you had a Minion of your own, they'd probably be happy to help you carry some trick or treat candy!PRODUCT DETAILSThis Minion Plastic Trick or Treat Bucket is like your own personal henchman! It's made out of plastic and is shaped like one of the adorable little guys from the movies. He measures about 6 inches in diameter and comes with a plastic carrying handle. It's a must-have accessory for any child that's dressing up like Gru or one of the Minions this year.PROPER MAD SCIENTIST GEARThis little Minion is ready for duty! He wants to help your child carry their candy this year, so make sure your little mad scientist is equipped with the proper gear this year!