No Way Home Spider-Man's Stretch Shot Blaster
Spidey Sense Being a teen superhero can be tough work. You have to attend class, get your homework done, hang out with friends, and still save the world from bad guys. You try to have your super suit handy as much as possible, but sometimes danger strikes when you're in a hoodie and jeans. In this case, the best thing to do is always have a trusty weapon handy. The villain will be stuck to the wall before he knows what hit him. Product Details Have Spider-Man's most famous super superhero skill when you wear your officially licensed No Way Home Spider-Man's Stretch Shot Web-Blaster. The red and black blaster straps onto the underside of your wrist with an adjustable band. Load it with one of the three white plastic "webs," and when you use your finger to press down on the blaster's tab, it shoots the web at your target. Friendly Neighborhood Spider-ManThe other tough part about being a superhero is trying to make the right choice. You know you want to help others and stay close to your friends, but how? Fortunately, by protecting yourself with this blaster, you've already made one really great choice!