Pastel Candy Witch Girl's Costume
young scholarWitch academies are becoming harder and harder to get into these days! They only accept the most promising young wizards and witches into their classrooms, which is why it's best to start training your little girl in the magic arts right away. They'll expect her to know how to ride a broom, how to cook up some potions in a bubbling cauldron, and, of course, they'll expect her to be dressed for the part.We never were that great at the art of sorcery. We could never get the hang of mixing potions or using a wand properly, but we ARE costume experts and we wanted to help your child become the greatest spell caster ever, so we did the one thing we do better than anyone else! We made a costume and this Purple Moon Witch costume is our take on the classic witch look.product detailsWe started with a hat. Every witch worth her salt wears one and we wanted to design the perfect one! With a classic brim and a long, pointy top, it provides a look that can compete with any witch from a classic fairy tale. But we didn't stop there, oh no! Witches are known for their magic, and what's more magical than these multi-colored stars printed all over? That's right: nothing. When your girl has it on, she can feel confident about applying to any magical academy!