Renaissance Villager Costume for Girls
May Day MagicLife in the Medieval Era was never easy. People worked hard, ate what and when they could, and spent winters huddled around smokey fires. So when it was time to let loose, they did it with great joy. They piped away on their flutes and danced with flowers in their hair. May Day is a well-known Medieval festival. It was a springtime festival devoted to Mary. People spent the day dancing around a maypole and taking in the fresh spring warmth. In June, people celebrated Midsummer Eve with large fires and troupes of mummers. People might have worked hard in the Medieval Era but that doesn't mean they didn't know how to have fun. Dancing in the streets, playing music, and gathering flowers were all a part of the joyful celebrations. Now your little one can get a taste of the best parts of the Medieval era and Rennaisance Era when she slips into this gorgeous villager dress!Design & DetailsExclusively Made by Us, Girl's Renassaissance Villager Costume has just the right amount of shine and flair. It lets your child feel special while looking natural and right at home while she's gathering flowers and dancing around the Maypole. The blue dress has a lace-up bodice and adjustable shoulder straps. The blue fabric falls into a loose overskirt, covering the white slip. The off-shoulder blouse sleeves will make this a great costume for all sorts of events from Ren Fairs, plays, and costume parties. It Takes a VillagerWhile some kids always want to play princess, there's a lot more freedom to playing villager. After all, running around barefoot in a field is frowned upon for royalty. So let your child embrace her villager status. Top off the costume with braids and a wreath of flowers and ribbons and she'll love taking on this new role!