Teller of Fortunes Costume for Girls
A Predictable LookYour child's sense of the future is uncanny. For instance, she knew she'd be able to talk the family into going out for ice cream last Saturday. She also knew that you were going to be mad when her quiz came home needing your signature a couple of weeks ago. Her predictive nature was able to ward off your rath by bringing home her soft-spoken friend for dinner. That's absolutely brilliant, frustrating, but brilliant. This Halloween, indulge your child's predictive nature with a fortune teller costume that'll let her use her talent for good! With lush textures and deep colors, the tables will be turned. You'll know how much she's going to love it before she even tries it on.Product DetailsThis look is all sorts of fun. The dress has lovely sheer, sleeves with silver sparkles overtop. The ruched peasant neckline is framed with a purple gold-trimmed vest that secures with a hook and loop strip. The skirt is made up of a silky fabric and trimmed in a wild rose hem that matches the included headband. A gold-coin trimmed scarf is tied at the hip to give your child a jingly feel. Your child will feel like a real fortune teller as this costume is finished off with six tarot cards for an interactive element that'll make this costume even more memorable!Future ProofIf there's a costume that'll stay a favorite through the ages it's the fortune teller. Why? Because it's always fun to take someone's hand and predict that they will meet a bitter end with chocolate and caramel so they should hand over their Snickers for their own safety. So if you want a costume that'll be a blast to look back on in the years to come, this costume will be sure to stir up some stories!