UPS Costume for Babies
Special Delivery!Okay, we don't want to be crass but we all know about the packages babies usually bring us. They are... not that great. In fact, if they ended up on your neighbor's doorstep, you might get in a little trouble with the long arm of the law. But when kids start toddling, they start bringing everyone around them more varied gifts. For instance, you might be handed a semi-mushed Graham cracker, a jingly ball, or even the dog's bone. Are you ready to raise the bar for your little delivery kids? Maybe what they need is an official UPS costume to encourage them to bring you packages that are a little more exciting. You know, something that hasn't been dragged from the mysterious, dusty under the couch zone and isn't covered in drool. Give your child a baby-sized box and your child can rise to the occasion!Costume DetailsThis UPS costume is a true crooner costume. The brown uniform is instantly recognizable by any on-line shopper. The costume includes a collared shirt that secures up the front with hook and loop fastener strips and has a logo. Separate brown pants will make changing throughout any event easier. Ready to label a box for amped up prop comedy? The box sheet will add the UPS touch. The costume is topped with a UPS hat to make sure your little one's costume really delivers. Babies At WorkWhat is it about babies in uniform? It's so adorable to think about them living that professional life, getting paychecks and doing their taxes. While your child is a long way from raking in the dough, this uniform is sure to be a delight! And a bonus? You can be sure your neighbors will run to the door double time when your little delivery kid is out trick-or-treating this Halloween!