3 Face Mask
We don't know what is going on with this mask, but this thing gives us nightmares. Seriously, we haven't had a full night's sleep since the creepy mask made it into our office. We don't like to throw around the words “haunted” or “possessed,” but this thing totally might be! So, buy it at your own risk of being terrified constantly and losing nights of sleep. With that being said...They always say that two heads are better than one, so what about three heads combined into one? This mask has the ominous look of three faces being merged into one grotesque look. This molded mask almost looks like the face of one of those freakish puppets from the underworld that gets its kicks by murdering people in their dreams. So, if you're looking to offer new nightmares to your friends and family members, then this thing is perfect. It even has a pair of eyeholes in the middle, so you can clearly see your victims before you sneak up on them and......okay, we can't take it anymore. You REALLY need to take this thing off our hands so we can finally get some peace and quite. Pretty please, with sugar on top?