Kidnapper Full Face Adult Mask
Circus No MoreFor some, the circus is a magical place. It's full of thrills, chills, and plenty of amazing performers. Not for us. We just can't get over the clowns. If it weren't for the clowns, we'd love the circus, but we just have a paralyzing fear of clowns. And that's exactly why this Kidnapper Full Face Mask gives us the creeps.The full face mask comes from the brilliant minds at Oktober Studios, who spend their days cooking up the most terrifying masks on the planet!Product DetailsThis frightening mask is constructed out of flexible latex and has stunning details sculpted into the exterior. It has wrinkles, smile lines, and even realistic skin texture. It also has white, blue, and green face paint to give it the look of a uniquely horrifying clown. It also has tufts of green hair on each side. The mask also has holes near the eyes for limited vision and holes for breathing. Just put it on and show everyone the terrors of the circus!