Mime Zack Mask
So you want in on the creepy clown craze. Well, Mime Zack’s got you covered. Mime Zack just wants to get out. Have a night on the town, take his mind off his troubles. Mime Zack’s got his own problems, you see. Mimes aren’t the hot commodity they once were. Zack doesn’t have dental coverage anymore. Daily greasepaint use is irritating his skin, but he’s been wait-listed for months to see a dermatologist. So maybe you could show him a good time? Take him to a party or something? He got a little hat just for the occasion. Folks still love little hats, right? Or just pop out of a trash can at an unsuspecting passerby. Follow ‘em around at a distance. Ol’ Zack’s not picky.Mime Zack’s frightening visage features mesh across the eyes to allow unrestricted vision while keeping your own eyes hidden, and nostril openings for easy breathing. I mean, we can’t have you passing out and leaving Zack in charge! No telling what he’d do…