Ram Mask for Adults
Rough and Tough Why do lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!) get all of the attention? You'd think that there weren't any other fearsome beasts out there besides those carnivores. What about those awesome grass-eaters who can weigh as much as an NFL player - up to 300 pounds? These same animals can smash their heads together at twenty miles per hour and walk away unharmed. Sure, lions are cool, but rams have swagger! Product Details Show everyone your fierce side when you wear this Ram Adult Mask! The gold-colored plastic covers your face from the mouth up and is molded to look like a stylized ram's head - or perhaps what a ram would look like if it had a human face. Two cool molded horns spiral out from either side of the forehead, and eyeholes allow you to see where you're charging. The mask straps on comfortably via an elastic band. King of the MountainIf you're ready for an awesome and unique disguise, this mask is perfect for you! We do recommend that you avoid charging into other partiers at high speeds - leave that to the actual rams.